K.M. Gallagher

Author, Artist, Mess

Tips on How to Read Like a Writer

This is a reupload of a post from Instagram originally made in July of 2022 with some edits for improved clarity and accuracy. All ideas expressed are personal opinions based on my experience as a writer. Thanks for reading!

  • Read as much as you can, across a variety of genres. If you don’t like a book, don’t force yourself to finish. It’s okay if something isn’t for you!
  • Re-read some old favorites. See what you notice on the second or third read-through: foreshadowing? Symbolism you missed the first time around?
  • Take notes on the story’s overall structure as you read (climax, conflicts, rising and falling action, etc.)
  • Don’t be afraid to write directly in the margins (if you own the book; otherwise, use sticky notes)! Highlight passages you like, argue with the author, make predictions about the plot, and note different literary devices and techniques.
  • If you dislike a book, make notes on why. What elements do you think were poorly handled? Was there hackneyed metaphor, muddled characterization?
  • Examine the climax or turning point. What changes at this part of the book, and how, and why?
  • After I finish a book, I often summarize my thoughts in a notebook or something similar. I’ll write down things I liked or disliked and why, things I would have done or handled differently, my overall impression of the book, and any favorite or least favorite characters.
  • Read what you like, but focus on stories in genres you want to write.
  • Ask yourself questions about the author’s intentions. What message are they trying to get across? How well do they do this? What is their target audience? How effective is their use of language?
  • Read with friends! Meet together to discuss your thoughts on each chapter, ask questions, etc.

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