K.M. Gallagher

Author, Artist, Mess

Character Generation Game

This is a post from my Instagram, originally published March 25, 2023.

Stuck on your character creation process? Build a character for your story, TTRPG game, or artwork with this simple game!


  1. Grab a D20 (20-sided die) or search “D20 roller” online.
  2. Roll for each section.
  3. Pick the number that corresponds with your roll.
  4. Each section will contribute a trait or detail to your character. Keep track of your traits and, by the end, you’ll have built a character!
  5. Feel free to fill in additional details once you have the basics done.

Positive Traits

Roll 3 times.

  1. Gentle
  2. Ambitious
  3. Courageous
  4. Level-headed
  5. Kind
  6. Loyal
  7. Patient
  8. Determined
  9. Optimistic
  10. Organized
  11. Perceptive
  12. Resourceful
  13. Sensible
  14. Mature
  15. Protective
  16. Responsible
  17. Humorous
  18. Good-natured
  19. Selfless
  20. Honest

Negative Traits

Roll 3 times.

  1. Abrasive
  2. Cynical
  3. Gullible
  4. Insecure
  5. Judgmental
  6. Self-obsessed
  7. Forgetful
  8. Impulsive
  9. Manipulative
  10. Impatient
  11. Cold
  12. Jealous
  13. Possessive
  14. Selfish
  15. Stubborn
  16. Hot-tempered
  17. Vain
  18. Weak-willed
  19. Obsessive
  20. Haughty

Primary Motive

Roll 1 time.

  1. Revenge
  2. Acknowledgment
  3. Success
  4. Healing
  5. Justice
  6. Finding purpose
  7. Forgiveness
  8. Survival
  9. Power
  10. Monetary gain
  11. Escape
  12. Glory/fame
  13. Fear of failure
  14. Curiosity
  15. Healing
  16. Finding love
  17. Surviving loss
  18. Helping others
  19. Repaying a debt
  20. Returning home

Unique Physical Traits

Roll 3 times.

  1. Birthmark(s)
  2. Tattoo(s)
  3. Peircing(s)
  4. Bites nails
  5. Eczema
  6. Braces
  7. Funky glasses
  8. Raspy voice
  9. Animated talker
  10. Missing limb
  11. Large hands
  12. Lazy eye
  13. Scar(s)
  14. Acne
  15. Shaved head
  16. Crooked nose
  17. Dyed hair
  18. Rosacea
  19. Missing tooth
  20. Weird accessory


Roll 1 time.

  1. Detective
  2. Geologist
  3. Professor
  4. Reporter
  5. Sculptor
  6. Inventor
  7. Conductor
  8. Dentist
  9. Mortician
  10. Novelist
  11. Painter
  12. Tattoo artist
  13. Botanist
  14. Social worker
  15. Doctor
  16. Farmer
  17. Security guard
  18. Chemist
  19. Lawyer
  20. Interpreter

Special Items

Roll 2-3 times.

  1. Ornate dagger
  2. Vintage necklace
  3. Silk handkerchief
  4. Leather bracer
  5. Gold earrings
  6. Engraved watch
  7. Old journal
  8. Vial of liquid
  9. Lock of hair
  10. Crystal pendant
  11. Preserved spider
  12. Half of a map
  13. Love letter
  14. Animal carving
  15. Screwdriver
  16. Safety pins
  17. Knitting needles
  18. Empty makeup tin
  19. Child’s bracelet
  20. Doll head

Thanks for playing!

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