K.M. Gallagher

Author, Artist, Mess

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Writing My First Book

This is a reupload of a post from Instagram originally made in May of 2020 with some edits for improved clarity and accuracy. All ideas expressed are personal opinions based on my experience as a writer. Thanks for reading!

  1. If you think it’s done, no, it’s not.
  2. Make a list of things you’d like to change for every draft.
  3. Research everything. If you think you don’t have to research a topic based on background knowledge you already have, double and triple check your facts.
  4. Flesh out your characters before writing the story. Create a solid start and end point for each one. If a character reads as flat, remove or rewrite them.
  5. Don’t accept good enough. Work on it until you can’t bear to read it anymore, and then work on it some more.
  6. Put the manuscript down for a bit.
  7. Take breaks.
  8. Write as often as you can.
  9. The first draft is going to be bad. In all likelihood, the second and third drafts will also be bad. And that’s okay.
  10. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

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