K.M. Gallagher

Author, Artist, Mess


  • Marketing and Search Engine Optimization

    Search engines are tools like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Search engine optimization is the art of using certain key words and phrases that boost your online content in the natural search results, which are determined by the algorithm to find the most suitable result for the search phrase entered. You can use a combination of… Continue reading

  • News Releases in the Age of Social Media

    In a modern, digital world, what role do news releases play—if any—and how can businesses use them to build relationships with buyers? News Releases as a Tool for Consumer Connection The developing trend of creating press releases with buyers in mind is a controversial one. Indeed, many seem either to cling to the news release… Continue reading

  • Video Content and the Future of Marketing

    If you have opened any social media platform in the past five years, you’ll notice a general shift in focus from text and images to video content. There are plenty of reasons for this, from the amount of time a user spends on a given platform to the amount of engagement and interaction videos get… Continue reading

  • What You Need to Understand About Your Marketing Plan

    Marketing is the process of creating and maintaining a relationship with your buyer. It is the act of persuading a potential consumer that your brand can provide something of value to them. Going in without a plan—winging it—is a good way to end up lost, confused, and inconsistent, which is hardly the image you want… Continue reading

  • Why You Need to Know About the Long Tail Model

    Why You Need to Know About the Long Tail Model

    To define the long tail of PR, we must understand the big head—that is, mainstream topics with broad, general appeal; the mass market. As Chris Anderson, a former WIRED editor who coined the term, said: “Traditional PR is oriented around mass media. The new era is about niche media Continue reading