K.M. Gallagher

Author, Artist, Mess

  • Video Content and the Future of Marketing

    If you have opened any social media platform in the past five years, you’ll notice a general shift in focus from text and images to video content. There are plenty of reasons for this, from the amount of time a user spends on a given platform to the amount of engagement and interaction videos get… Continue reading

  • What You Need to Understand About Your Marketing Plan

    Marketing is the process of creating and maintaining a relationship with your buyer. It is the act of persuading a potential consumer that your brand can provide something of value to them. Going in without a plan—winging it—is a good way to end up lost, confused, and inconsistent, which is hardly the image you want… Continue reading

  • Why You Need to Know About the Long Tail Model

    To define the long tail of PR, we must understand the big head—that is, mainstream topics with broad, general appeal; the mass market. As Chris Anderson, a former WIRED editor who coined the term, said: “Traditional PR is oriented around mass media. The new era is about niche media Continue reading